I recently started watching the TV series Ted Lasso. It’s a great show, having won an Emmy for best comedy and best lead actor (Jason Sudeikis). But this isn’t TV Guide. So, what do Ted Lasso and executive coaching have to do with strategic planning for companies in Cincinnati, Kentucky or Jacksonville, Florida? Read on…and believe.
The setup is Ted is a college football coach from Kansas who gets hired to manage an English soccer team. He knows nothing about soccer. And he couldn’t be more folksy midwestern American. The culture clash and vivid characters make the show hilarious.
Ted Lasso is a master’s degree on how to lead. It proves that leaders don’t have to be the experts. But they have to set the tone and direction. And stand for something.
The star of the show—Ted—is an optimist. Leaders don’t have to be optimists…but it helps. It gives everyone on the team belief in the path they’re on.
Speaking of that, Ted’s keyword is BELIEVE. He puts it on posters and walls. His mission is to help his team believe that they can do it.
Your team has been working hard. This has been a difficult couple of years. They have adapted and endured. There have been wins and losses. But they are weary.
As Ted Lasso shows, a positive outlook can change everything. No, it doesn’t turn bad teams into winners. But it gives everyone a lift. And sometimes that’s all they need.
The show portrays the team as a motley crew. Some old, some young, some great and some not so hot. In other words, it’s like most companies. Employees everywhere want a leader who can inspire them. One who puts wind in their sails. Someone who knows the power of a smile.
I admit, I’m an optimist. I look for the good in others. And I want everyone to reach their highest potential. Ted Lasso and executive coaching both benefit from a positive outlook. So do all human beings. And so does my strategic planning facilitation. If you are interested in learning more about how I have helped companies in Cincinnati, Kentucky, Jacksonville, Florida and all over America, please give me a call. Believe.