
Blog Posts

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18, February 2019

Strategic Planning and Implementation

It’s true that strategic planning and implementation go hand in hand. First you come up with the brilliant ideas and then you deliver on them. But is one easier or more important than the other? Whether you’re in Cincinnati or anywhere else in America, the answer is the same: you need to be great at …

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2, January 2019

How to Keep Your Business Resolutions

It’s a new year, and that means many of us have made resolutions. Things we want to accomplish, do better or stop doing. Maybe yours is to implement your strategic plan or to use executive coaching to boost personal effectiveness. Whatever they are, and whether you’re in Cincinnati or anywhere in America, there are some …

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13, July 2018

What Does A Business Consultant Really Do?

When I tell someone I’m a business consultant, I know there is a follow-up question coming. “What kind of consulting do you do?” I’ll usually rattle off things like executive coaching, strategic planning, employee assessments, keynote speeches and training. I explain how I work with companies in Cincinnati and all over the US. But that …

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