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25, October 2022

Change How You Approach Change

Change is weird. It’s always unpopular until people see the new thing is better. Then they love it. That is, until something else forces us to change. Change is an essential element in business. And it’s fundamental to executive coaching and strategic planning. So, whether your business is in Cincinnati, Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana or Jacksonville, …

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2, August 2022

7 Things Great Leaders Do

We’ve spent a lot of time with great leaders. And we’ve written a book on leadership. So here is a list of 7 things great leaders do (among so much more). These are universal concepts that also apply when doing strategic planning, and they’re key elements in any executive coaching program. So, whether you are …

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13, July 2022

Lifechanging leadership training

“Thank you for this lifechanging leadership training.” That’s what a student said after completing one of our recent programs. We have to admit it feels good to hear that. We put a lot into our unique program to develop and retain future leaders. While the classes are separate from our executive coaching and strategic planning …

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