Barr Corporate Success, LLC

Executive Coaching from the Other Perspective

Executive coaching is usually viewed from the company’s point of view. That’s because leadership sees an opportunity to help an individual grow. Or to address a challenge. As a result, they bring in an executive coach. But what does the process look like through the lens of the person who is being coached? Whether you’re in Cincinnati or anywhere else, it’s time to take a look at executive coaching from the other perspective.

It all starts with awareness

Maybe it’s a deficiency. But more often it’s a realization. An awareness that the individual has greater potential that needs to be unlocked. So, leadership takes action.

An executive coach is a change agent. They’re independent and impartial. They only have one job to do. Help the person grow and develop. More importantly, they’re focused on achieving the coaching goals.

How the person being coached sees things

Some organizations have an “executive coach culture.” In those companies, it’s common for senior leaders to have a coach. In fact, having an coach is a sign of strength. And a way to continue to improve.

That isn’t always the case. Some people are startled to learn they’re getting a coach. That’s why it’s best for the supervisor to broach it directly. In other words, explain why it’s happening. And why it’s beneficial.

Executive coaching from the other perspective

The company can assign a trusted coach or get the person involved in the selection. Regardless, the individual usually enters the relationship with many questions. And a good executive coach knows this. That’s why they professionally addresses those questions in the first meeting.

Most coaching relationships lasts six months or more. But that first meeting is always the most critical. It’s where trust is built. Confidentiality and credibility established. And, of course, clear goals enumerated.

The coach as sounding board, teacher and drill sergeant

The coach is there to listen. They teach new tricks and share new ideas. But mostly, they’re there to get results. It’s a multifaceted role. A good executive coach wears a lot of hats.

The person being coached starts off with a lot of questions. With the right coach, they end up with a lot of answers.

Cincinnati’s #1 executive coach

Krissi Barr has earned her reputation as the top executive coach in the Ohio, Kentucky and Indiana area. She’s seen executive coaching from the other perspective over 500 times. Krissi gets results. To learn more, contact Krissi Barr at Barr Corporate Success.