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19, May 2020

Traction to get going

Doors are opening again all over America. That’s a good thing. And an even better thing for those businesses that are ready. But for many companies, they need to build some traction to get going again. I’ve been working with my executive coaching and strategic planning customers in Cincinnati, Ohio, Kentucky and Jacksonville, Florida to lay the groundwork for their grand reopenings. So, here’s a quick checklist to help you get the mojo back.

Marketing matters

Smart business leaders have been communicating with their customers since the crisis began. Telling them where they are, what they are doing and where they are going. Your customers want to know. So tell them.

The best option is to send an email to all customers (and prospects) letting them know what your plans are. Then follow that up with a phone call to all key accounts. Post the information on your website and on social media channels. Boost your advertising to let everyone know what you can do for them.

Lack of traction

If you haven’t been communicating with your customers, you need to build some traction. That’s because your customers may not have been thinking about you. Or even worse, they may have gotten out of the habit of doing business with you.

If that’s the case, kick it into gear now. Don’t worry if this is the first email you’ve sent to customers or the 500th. Let them know what’s up. Speak from the heart.

It’s important to tell customers what you’ve been doing. And if you’re like most businesses, you’ve been doing a lot. Making sure your workplace is clean and safe. Adding social distancing modifications. Working virtually. Maybe even changing the way you conduct business.

As you update customers on all the new things, remind them of what you stand for. Tell them about the things that haven’t changed. That includes things like your dedication to exceptional service and quality.

Don’t forget about your employees. Take the time now to get them involved with any new plans. It’s a great time to conduct training, team building and otherwise reinforce why you are such a great place to work. The world will be different on the other side of this. Make sure your most valuable asset is with you for the next phase of your journey.

Open your doors wide

While the customer may not always be right, they always are king. That’s because they have the ability to determine the fate of your business. My advice, in executive coaching and strategic planning, is to always stay as close to your customers as possible. And while that may not be revolutionary advice, it’s surprising how often business leaders forget to do it. If you need traction to get going again, reach out to your customers. If you need help with executive coaching or strategic planning, please give me a call. I help businesses open doors in Cincinnati, Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, Jacksonville, Florida and all over America.

Strategic Planning Expert Krissi Barr

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